
together. we make a family.

can't live with them,
can't live without them.

my family has always meant the world to me. but since being in logan limits my time with them, its caused me to appreciate them even more.
it seems like in highschool i took the ole' bunch for granted. being my busy self, i wasn't home much, and now that i'm away, somedays its all i can do but wish i was with them.
i miss the things i never thought i would.
i miss waking up to my dad's opera singing. (haha, yes he's quite the man! :]) i miss my mom's cooking. i miss their hugs. i miss my laundry being folded without wrinkles. i miss homemade french fries on sunday nights. i miss mason and greggor being ninjas. i miss greggor driving me up the wall. i miss doing mason's hair. i miss teasing averi. i miss her telling me to "make good choices," as i headed out the door. i miss sitting at the dinner table with all of them, and trying to be a civilized family, but then someone spills something, or greggor cracks a joke, or mason starts laughing during the prayer.
i look forward to my dad's random phone calls, checking up on me.
i look forward to hearing what crazy things are happening in our house.
(haha, like my mom's love for our garage door. :])
i look forward to weekends where i don't have to work,
so i can go visit them.
we may not have it all together,
but together we have it all.
i love you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your family is the cutest :]